Abstract instructions

* : Required information

Abstract submission deadline

  • Saturday, 1st March, 2025

Word limits

  • Total number of words for your abstract including the title, authors and affiliations, abstract’s main text, references and funding is 850 words
  • The main text of the abstract may not exceed 450 words
  • You can include a maximum of 2 references, not exceeding 100 words in total
  • The funding must not exceed 50 words


The title of your submission should be:

  • Concise and informative
  • Exclude non-standard abbreviations, and Latin names if there is a common name
  • Include the animal species on which the study has been carried out if applicable
  • Exclude the name of the country or of the region where the study took place

Authors and affiliations*

You MUST enter the names of ALL authors and affiliations here – including yourself if you are an author – in the order in which you wish them to appear in the printed text. Names omitted here will NOT be printed in the author index.

Corresponding author's Email*

Email address of the corresponding author must be provided.

Abstract’s main text*

Please enter your abstract’s main text in one paragraph. No figures or tables are allowed to be included in the abstract. Limit for the abstract’s main text is 450 words.


You can cite a maximum of 2 references without exceeding a total of 100 words. Only citations from articles published in journals using the following style can be included. Please do not include references citing books or proceeding abstracts.

Example citation:

Martin, C., Morgavi, D.P., Doreau, M., 2010. Animal 4, 351-365.