
Sessions topics and keynote speakers

Pre-announcement of ISEP 2025


Sessions topics and keynote speakers

Pre-announcement of ISEP 2025

Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany


Sept 15 – 18




Working title

Opening lecture

Ashild Krogdahl
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway
Roles of Nutrients, Antinutrients, and Functional Ingredients in Health and Disease: Insights from Studies on Humans, Terrestrial Animals, and Fish
Protein and energy metabolism in ruminants
Mike Steele
University of Guelph, Canada
Protein and energy metabolism in early life of ruminants
Protein and energy metabolism in non-ruminants  
Sam Millet
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (EV ILVO), Belgium
Optimizing Health and Performance in Newly Weaned Piglets: Finding the Ideal Balance of Amino Acids, Energy, and Protein
Reducing environmental impact
Ermias Kebreab
University of California, Davis, Department Animal Science, USA
Animal production, nutrition, circularity and LCA
Nutrient x gene interaction and epigenetics in farm animals
Maria Siwek
University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Poland
Livestock nutrition and epigenetics
Feed processing and additives for sustainable and resilient productivity
Marta Lourenço
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (EV ILVO), Belgium
Use of side streams and by-products as ingredients in livestock feed
Methods and technologies for research in the field of sustainable livestock farming
Martin Beaumont
French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France
From organoids to organ-on-chips: novel in vitro tools to study farm animal biology
Taste, diet selection and behavior in livestock  
Cécile Ginane
French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France
Taste perception and feed selection in livestock
Micronutrient nutrition and metabolism
Michael Oster
Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Germany
Vit. D and mineral metabolism in monogastric species

Scientific Sessions

  • Protein and energy metabolism in ruminants
  • Protein and energy metabolism in non-ruminants
  • Reducing environmental impact
  • Nutrient x gene interaction and epigenetics in farm animals
  • Feed processing and additives for sustainable and resilient productivity
  • Methods and technologies for research in the field of sustainable livestock farming
  • Taste, diet selection and behavior in livestock
  • Micronutrient nutrition and metabolism